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App Design Assets


  • Development on your apps may only commence once all App Design Assets requirements are received as per specs.

  • To ensure rapid feedback on your assets, please send all assets in one email to with your brand name in the Subject line.

  • Sizes specified are in pixels.

A. Your Logos

Where these appear:

  • The white version of your logo will appear in various places within your app.

  • The colour logo will appear on your About screen within the app.

  • In notifications and your phone’s status bar.


Attach the following to your email:

  1. A white version of your logo with a transparent background (i.e. PNG format) Dimensions: 1024px by 1024px Filename should be in the format: AppName-Logo_White-1024x1024.png

  2. A colour version of your logo with a transparent background (i.e. PNG format) Dimensions: 1024px by 1024px File name should be in the format: AppName-Logo_Colour-1024x1024.png

Please note:

  • Logos must be provided in a vector format that is easily convertible to a solid colour.

  • Logos must be provided as PNGs with a transparent background.

B. App Launch Icon

Where this appears:

When someone would like to open your app, this is the icon that displays on their phone’s home screen or list of apps.


Attach the following to your email:

  1. Jpeg image Dimensions: 1024px by 1024px Filename should be in the format: AppName-LaunchIcon-1024x1024.png

C. App Splash Screen Images

Where this appears:


Attach the following to your email:

  1. For Android devices: Jpeg image Dimensions: 1440px across by 2560px down Filename should be in the format: AppName-Splashscreen_Android-1440x2560.jpg

  2. For iPhones: Jpeg image Dimensions: 1242px across by 2688px down Filename should be in the format: AppName-Splashscreen_iOS-1242x2688.jpg

Please note:

  • Images with your brand logo displayed are preferred.

  • Images must be high resolution and should not contain faces or sensitive content.

D. App store featured images

Where this appears:


Attach the following to your email:

  1. Jpeg image Dimensions: 4096px across by 2304px down Filesize: < 1MB Filename should be in the format: AppName-GoogleDeveloperHeader-4096x2304.jpg

  2. Jpeg image Dimensions: 1024px across by 500px down Filesize: < 1MB Filename should be in the format: AppName-GooglePlayFeatured-1024x500.jpg

E. App theme colours

How these are used:

  • These colours will be used to brand your app with your visual identity.

  • More information on hex codes:


In the body of your email, provide the HTML (hex) colour codes only. e.g. #F4EE11

  1. Primary Colour hex code: e.g. #FF0000 (red) Used for background of streaming and theming

  2. Secondary Colour hex code: e.g. #000000 (black) Used for background on podcasts and messaging

  3. Tertiary Colour hex code: e.g. #FFFFFF (white) Used for the icons that appear on the header, menu bar, text, and elsewhere throughout the app.

Please note:

  • The background of the app will be neutral colours such as white and grey.

  • It is best not to select a secondary colour that cannot be legible with a tertiary colour e.g. black and navy blue.

[Optional] f. Tab icons

You may wish to use your own custom tab icons within your app.

Where these appear:

At the bottom of your app, your members will be able to see and navigate between 3 to 5 tabs (depending on your pricing tier).


Attach the following to your email:

  • Icons to be provided in both PNG (AI) and SVG format Dimensions: the icons must be clear & legible when scaled down to 78px by 78px Filename should be in the format: AppName-TabIcon-TabName.svg

Please note:

  • Line width of your icons: 4px at most

  • Icons need to be transparent ie. no filled area in a different colour or shade.

  • Icons need to be supplied in SVG format as well as PNG 24 format with transparency enabled.


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