As any online community grows in size and chattiness, it's crucial that members feel that they are in a safe and respectful environment that upholds their values.
At the same time, as a community administrator, it can be a concern when considering how to create a safe space where members within large, highly-engaged audiences behave respectfully.
Engagement is important - the lifeblood of any online community - but it’s equally important that community administrators have a way to manage that engagement without lengthy additions to existing workflows.
App stores like Google’s Play Store and Apple’s App Store also have strict requirements protecting app members from user-generated content they deem 'objectionable,' and require developers to provide a method for members to flag this content.
In our aim to make sure your app is compliant and passes all requirements from the app vendors, Fabrik app members now have the ability to report content they deem inappropriate within a conversation, or block members they'd prefer not to see messages from in future.
Your team as the community administrators will then be prompted to review the reported content and choose to either remove or retain that content based on your community guidelines.
Here's how the planned changes will help you manage your community with ease.
How can your audience report objectionable content?
The new 'Report a Message' and 'Block Member' options within your app are accessed by long-pressing on the particular message the individual would like to report, or a message sent by the individual they'd like to block.

a) Block/report another member
'Block Member' will result in any content being shared by that particular member being hidden to the member who blocked them.

b) Report a piece of objectionable content
'Report Message' will flag that piece of content to community admins, to be reviewed based on the reasons provided by the reporting member.

How can your team moderate content?
Step 1: Access Community Centre to view a consolidated list of all content that has been reported by your community.
To access this functionality:
Log in to Community Centre using your Fabrik account details.
Click on 'Content Moderation' on the left-hand menu.
Select 'Reports.'

From this screen, you'll be able to view and navigate through a chronological list of all reported content, click on each item for more details or sort by the status of the 'Action' on each one. 'Sorting by Action' gives you the ability to see a list of all content with the same status grouped together, making it easier to take action on those items where action is required.
Step 2: View more information about each reported piece of content.
If you'd like to view any particular piece of reported content in detail, you can do so by clicking on the » arrow on the left of the member's username, on your initial dashboard view.
This will open a more detailed view of the specific report and, from here, you'll be able to update the status and resolution message of that content.

Step 3: Take an action on a piece of content.
Once you've clicked on the 'Status' option, you'll be able to choose one of the following actions:
Pending - this is the default state meaning this item still requires action.
No Action - select this option when you feel the reported content does not contravene your community guidelines, and will remain visible within your app.
Remove - select this option when you feel the content does contravene your community guidelines, and will be removed from your app.
The 'Resolution message' is a place for you to add any pertinent information related to your decision for the rest of your team to view - this is not visible to any app member.

Further Info
Watch our walk-through of Community Centre's Community Management functionality.